Open DIV II training camp (part I)


Last weekend, in Aber Wrac’h Brittany, France, a bunch of 15 guys took a 3 days class under the coaching of Olivier, Nicolas and Stéphane. The training was held at the nautical base of Aber Wrac’h, the CVL (, web site also in english). They had a really good time and the weather although a little bit cold was sunny with steady winds of 10-20 knots during the 3 days session. Everyday the sailors had a briefing, de-briefing and video analyses. So big kuddo to the coaches, the sailors and the sailing centre for hosting such an event, the first since many years!

Here are a few pics of the sessions:

more pics on our facebook group, link can be found on the upper right corner of this page

French ID2CA

We are happy to announce the creation of the French open div II association, AFOD2. Its goal is to regroup french open div II sailors and promote the revival of this class of sailboards in France. Please see the french version of this post for more information and how to apply for membership. Thank you.

Missing: a croconut tri-concave div II board

Dear all, Laurent T, a hard-core opendivist is missing his beautiful croconut tri-concave board, shaped by famous shapeur Pierre Audet from France. The board was last seen mid-February and was stored in the boat shed of his nautical club at Lamor beach, in Brittany France. Here are a few pics:

Have you seen it? if so, please contact us!

Many thanks

International Division II Class Association ( ID2CA)

Logo_D2_300_fWe are proud to announce the creation of the International Division II Class Association (ID2CA) which will also be an associate member of the International Windsurfing Association (IWA). Our goals are to regroup windsurfers sailing Division II sailboards as well as to promote and develop again the Div II Class throughout the world.

A Division II sailboard is defined as a round bottom sailboard built to International Displacement Division Measurement Rules initially set by the International Board Sailing Association (IBSA) and approved by the International Yacht Racing Union (IYRU) from 1979 to 1992. An objective of ID2CA is the conception and production of new Division II boards and sails using new technologies, according to existing Class Rules (1979-1992).

Under Class Rules (1979-1992) two racing divisions are defined – Category A and Category B.

ID2CA have developed Class Championship Rules to define how their championship racing shall be organised, and these rules also include an Addendum to Class Measurement Rules (1979-1992) that introduce the concept of a Category C division within the Class.

Category A

– Boards built between 1979 and 1992, which are compliant with Class Rules (1979 – 1992).
– Type A sails: triangular ‘one-design’, short-battened sails with maximum sail area of 6.5 sq.m.

Category B

– Boards built between 1979 and 1992, which are compliant with Class Rules (1979 – 1992).
– Type B sails: fully battened with a maximum sail area of 7.5 sq.m.

Category C

– Boards that are not 100% compliant with Class Rules (1979-1992) but must comply with Class Rule dimensions and meet the Category C Addendum requirements.
– Open in design and use of materials; with maximum sail: size 9.5 sq.m for heavyweight men, 8.5 sq.m for women and lightweight men.

For more info please contact us :
