As planned, overcast sky this morning with irregular winds from North, 6-12 knots, cooler temperature (+/- 20 C)
Warning signal around 12.00 pm to send us on the water after the girls RB have their 1st race of the day.
At least 20 minutes going downwind to reach the starting line, pushed by downstream current (low tide) .
Then the start…on time today.
Quickly, big sails took advantage and then game was to find its way between counter currents and gusting zone. I don’t think we ever got 12 knots..maybe 10 max. Hard to climb on rails in that conditions.
Suddenly a thunderstorm surged when on reach (last part of race) and I barely got enough wind to finish race in time behind a 9.5 sailor.
Then wind died entirely, eliminating racers behind me…Lightning strikes and rain forced race committee to cancel other races and security boats took care of carrying almost all of us back to the Club.
Now, evening party with good friends and beers
See you tomorrow for new fights