Diaporos regatta 2016 – The results and the pictures

Diaporos 2016The WE 15-17/07/2016 took place in Ormos Panagias Halkidiki Greece Diaporos regatta, the 3rth official ID2CA event of the year.

The event was a multi class regatta where div 2, Catamaran, Laser and Topaz classes raced in separated starts.

The comity completed 8 races: 6 in form I (windward- leeward) and two Olympic triangles. The weather was the typical summer weather of Halkidiki: sunny, warm with mostly light winds (no more of 8-9 knots) and choppy sea.

Although the participation was small the spirit was the “old” good spirit of division 2 races. The final impression to all the participants was very satisfactory and for this reason they asked from the organizing club to repeat an event in September 2016. So we stay waiting for a new unofficial event next September if the conditions will permit, in order to give the possibility to people who could not attend in July to take a taste of this regatta in 2016 and of course our next appointment with the official event in 2017 is valid.

Here are the final results and some pictures of the race:

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10 days to the DIV II Euro 2016 Championships


YES 10 days until the Euro 2016 starts!

This IWA sanctioned event is opened to sailors in good standing with ID2CA ( i.e. Class memberships/tagged/approved equipment required).

Registrations have started already.

Do not wait until last minute.

Take your membership (if not done yet) and fill event forms ASAP.

For NoRs, details are here

Event registration is here

More info here

Good luck & happy sailing!

ID2CA technical committee

Logo_D2_300_fThe ID2CA has appointed former Olympic and World Championships multi medalists Bruce Kendall, Scott Steele, Alain Cadre and Jonas Davidson as Key Team Members of ID2CA Technical Committee.

Appointed by the Class Executive Committee (EC), the TC role is, among other things, to advise about Class Rules, rules interpretations and abuse of rules, proposed amendments to Class Rules, build specifications and measurement forms, as well as overseeing measurement checks at officially sanctioned DII Events.

Bruce Kendal – NZL – Olympic Gold Medal 1988 Men Windsurf
“The return of the D2 class is a big thumbs up to helping people to relive or experience for the first time the joys and challenges of sailing round bottom boards & often small light weight rigs. It is a big thumbs up for recycling and making old things new.  A first for windsurfing in creating a Nostalgic or “Classic” class such as has been done in other yachting classes such as the Flying Dutchmen and Dragons or in motor sport.
I look forward to joining others some time soon on my Lechner A390 from the 1992 era. I am interested to see the new developments too.”

Alain Cadre-FRA – Silver Medal – Windsurf World Championship 1989

“C’est un grand plaisir de renaviguer sur une Division II avec les nouveaux greements.
Cette sensation de naviguer au pres, au planning en apesanteur, dans le petit temps, presque sans efforts, ne se trouve nulle part ailleurs dans le monde de la voile legere.
À l’heure ou tout le monde ne pense qu’a voler (foils), la c’est le contact avec l’eau qui est apprecie, c’est une glisse meme a 5kts de vent ou il faut plus faire preuve de finesse que de force.
Il est interessant de voir l’e evolution (ou pas) des carenes a l’interieur de cette jauge, vieille de 25 ans, que vont engendrer les nouveau greements, beaucoup plus faciles et performants.”

Jonas Davidson-Vitell e SWE – Gold Medal – Windsurf World Championship 1985

“I have started D2 sailing again after 25 years.  The reason is that I want a fast board with harmony in all conditions. With those big modern sails and some small modifications of the hull the D2 is fantastic to sail. Railing with the lift of the centerboard upwind makes it awesome.
My implication at ID2CA Technical Committee is as a sailor and designer to keep the good things and look for interesting developments.
I hope that we, in the future,  will see more people seeing the advantages of D2. I hope we will see a lot of competitors in championships and club races and/or just enjoying the D2.”

ID2CA Technical Committee:

Limited to 4 members in addition to Chief Measurer and International Secretary and appointed by Class Executive Committee, mission of TC is to consider Class Measurement Rules and other technical matters including rule interpretations, to advise upon their revision, to give direction on how to prevent abuse of the rules, to put forward proposals for amendments to Class rules, building specifications and measurement forms, to oversee measurement checks at officially sanctioned DII Events.

Vintage Wind Slam 2016 was a success!

13173249_10154126647559417_2035020451099497449_oThe week end 27-29 Mai took place in the lake Velenje of Slovenia the first official ID2CA event of the year under the name “vintage wind slam” in parallel with the national Slovenian championship.

In this race participated 20 sailors from 3 counties: Slovenia, Greece and Croatia with a variety of division 2 boards, like Lechner A390, Lechner L3, Velpas Burja, Imgrad D2,Tornado 39 and Sailboard regatta. All participants raced with type A ring.

In total 7 races has been done: 2 in form I and 5 stable points triangles. The whether was sunny and warm (typical spring- summer whether) with South gusty wind arriving in force the 13-14 knots maximum. Due to the gusty conditions and the sudden changes in the wind direction and force the rearrangements in the first places was very often during the regattas, this fact added a big interest between racers… but a big question of luck also.

Last day after the end of the Championship an open regatta took place in a stable points triangle course, where again the most sailors raced with div II boards, but with free sails.

The general impression of the race was a friendly but with the well known from the past competitive div II spirit and gave to all of as the hope for a new future for our class as we have seen a wide spectrum of ages participating: from young people until the characteristic of a “teenager “78 years old racing with the passion of a champion!

We finally like to say a BIG thanks to all members of zoo station local club especially Miro Scorjank , Stane Hafner and his family, and many more undercovered heroes who gave the most possible of their forces for the success of the event, giving to the foreign participants the sense of the perfect hospitality and of a perfect organization. We like to thanks also the racing comitee who had to overcome difficult (gusty) wind conditions and the international ISAF judge Mr Gerhart Erich Michel the presence of whom guaranteed the correct performance of the race.

Here are the final results of the race:

r3 r2 r1

And a few pictures:

More pictures here:





and a video of the fleet of the race:


Stratos Efthyvoulidis

111 days until the Euro 2016 !!!

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The D2 European Championships (August horizon) is fast approaching!

111 days remaining!

This IWA sanctioned event is opened to sailors in good standing with ID2CA ( i.e. Class memberships/tagged/approved equipment required).

Registrations have started already.

Do not wait until last minute.

Take your membership (if not done yet) and fill event forms ASAP.

For NoRs, details are here

Event registration is here

More info here

Good luck & happy sailing!

Vintage Wind Slam 2016

VWSlam16The first Open Div II regatta of the year will be hosted by the Zoo Station nautical club in beautiful Velenje, Slovenia from May 27 to May 29 2016.

VINTAGE WIND SLAM is a three day regatta for open division ll sailors with an ‘open’ regatta on Sunday. The regatta is an official ID2CA event counting for the annual ranking list with the coefficient 1.5 and official Slovenian nationals for open division ll class.

Find all the details in the notice of race.

More information on the venue here

2016 European Windsurfing Festival (08/22 – 08/27)


The festival which regroup RCB, R300 and Open Division II will be held at the Centre Nautique du Moulin Blanc, Brest, Brittany, France

Registrations are now open: http://registration.internationalwindsurfing.com/en/events/register/id/38

The NoR can be found here:  http://www.internationalwindsurfing.com/userfiles/documents/Euro_Festival_Brest_2016_NoR.pdf

Good luck and happy sailing!