Euro 2016 – see you next year!

Sadly, it is finished … A dream come true!

One would have wished it lasts again for ever but, no, unfortunately, it had to come to an end after months of preparation. Brutal stop!
What an Event…
After 24 years of deep sleep and disappearance from the sailing world, this is with emotions we’ve seen our black II flag rising again officially ashore and on the mast of committee boat.
What a moment…

One could have expected some difficulties after such a long time, but fortunately it went pretty well overall during the week.
We were able to race and fight (fairly) as fierce as in the old times.
Pumping though was soon again subject for requests.After an open discussion where the windsurfers expressed their opinions, a compromise was found and we completed the week without hearing anymore about it.
Good ambiance, good friend sailors responding to the call, not hesitating to drive long distances to come participate in the revival of the class, from the south, the north the east and even across the Atlantic…

Crocos de l’ Elorn and its race committee did a great job in running the event professionally every day. Races were launched one after one and we were able to complete 9 races despite capricious winds.
It was not trivial to do so…Putting different classes (RB & DII) using different set of courses and rules of races simultaneously in same racing area was challenging but Club had solutions and brought good alternative. Cohabitation went very well, all sailors paying attention and respecting each other. For DIIs, it was also the opportunity to observe other types of course than its typical triangle. No doubt it will be assessed and fuel ideas for the future.

On the tarmac, we had the immense pleasure to revivethe famous board measurement sessions and everyone got the “approved “ stamp on its board and sails prior to the race.
I’d like to thank the International Measurer for this. He did a fantastic job in measuring and weighting all equipments (old & new) accurately.

Special thanks also on to the Event photographer for the daily coverage, shooting hundred of pictures, RB or DIIs, and special thanks to the DJ who tirelessly animated the party on the Club all days long…

Thank you all. …

It is finished, yes, but the good news is that we are already looking at next Event, right now, not only next Oceanic down under, no, but next European in 2017 and other Events.
Be assured that your Class is actively working on it (for a while already) and we hope being able to tell you more very soon. So stay tune!

See you next year!

Picture by Patrik Polak SVK-1, event photographer

Euro 2016 DIV II Brest and the winners are..


1. Alain Cadre FRA-1131 2. Nicolas Le Gal FRA-115 3. Omar Juan Moreno ESP-136


1.Alain Cadre FRA-1131 2.Nicolas Le Gal FRA-115 3. Jonas Davidson Vitell SWE-78


1.Omar Juan Moreno ESP-136 2. Gilles Tanguy FRA-19 3. François Leduey FRA-1841

Congratulations !

Pictures by Patrik Pollak

Euro 2016 DIV II Brest day 5

Euro 2016 Races summary by Eric Bouillet CAN-10

So this is it, our 1st European Championships since 30 years has ended.

Everyone has packed equipments and is heading back home now.

What a week!

What to say….Very high level of sailing, highly performing new equipments, nice ambiance on parking with sailors exchanging and sharing information.

All ingredients to make D2 return on International scene shining.

Day 5 started, for once, as planned, i.e light wind progressively establishing west, around 7-10 knots, under a beautiful sky and warm temperature.

Race one was completed faster this time and next series were being launched quickly.

About 5 minutes before our 2nd race, while starting our procedure, wind suddenly picked up, almost doubling. When horn finally freed D2 fleet it was about 20 knots established, gusting 22 (RC), with increasingly choppy waters. So let say we rather left starting line in survival mode for some of us. I managed to sail one leg then decided to stop as situation was worsening then headed to closest beach. It ultimately blew out half of our D2 fleet.

Top 8 only managed to finish, more or less easily, and some of them rushed ashore for changing sails, in prevision of next race.

But it was the last of the day, and of the week, many RCBs being also in difficulty, mobilizing security resources.

RC cancelled 3rd race, making sure everyone was going back safely to the club. Remarkable, prompt reaction from Croco de l’Elorn RC that demonstrated twice its ability to react timely and efficiently to fix sudden, unexpected marginal conditions. Congrats! Well done! It has to be said.

Week is over now. We had great time and it was really good meeting friends again as well as making new ones.

We look forward to meeting you again soon for another unforgettable European Championships.

Good luck all!

Final results after 9 races

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Pictures by Patrik Pollak

Euro 2016 DIV II Brest Day 4

Short summary of today’s races by Eric Bouillet CAN-10:
“3 races run for us (Tal & I ) today, 4 overall, as we had to take some time off after mid day break for AGM preparation.
Too bad for us as the 4th race was concluded under a nice blue sky with 12-13 knots breeze from North- North Est.
Gorgeous day overall all day despite pessimistic forecast in the morning.
Again the first 3 race courses were set quite far from Marina, forcing a long down wind to reach starting line and a more longer return upwind.
We waited almost an hour down there until we were finally clear to start.
Mix of slight breeze (10-12 knots and 6-8 knots) and significant wind shifts and wind corridors on both sides of the bay litterally split the fleet in two equal parts. Which option was best?
Going right toward cliffs or left toward port? I don’t have the answer still…
C sails took immediate advantage as usual and it didn’t take long to loose them on sight, except when crossing them going downwind.
It definitely takes more wind to keep contact but it didn’t happen.
Forecast for tomorrow were pessimistic but it has started to change already (we are getting used) with likely more wind in the afternoon after a brutal 180 degree shift from East to West during the morning.
Level of motivation for each of us remains very high and tomorrow is the Day, the Last Day…
So, stay tuned !”

Results after 7 races:

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Start of race 7, video by Patrik Pollak

Pictures by Patrik Pollak and Piotr Oleksiak (International Raceboard Class)

Euro 2016 Day 2 Race No. 3

As planned, overcast sky this morning with irregular winds from North, 6-12 knots, cooler temperature (+/- 20 C)
Warning signal around 12.00 pm to send us on the water after the girls RB have their 1st race of the day.
At least 20 minutes going downwind to reach the starting line, pushed by downstream current (low tide) .
Then the start…on time today.
Quickly, big sails took advantage and then game was to find its way between counter currents and gusting zone. I don’t think we ever got 12 knots..maybe 10 max. Hard to climb on rails in that conditions.
Suddenly a thunderstorm surged when on reach (last part of race) and I barely got enough wind to finish race in time behind a 9.5 sailor.
Then wind died entirely, eliminating racers behind me…Lightning strikes and rain forced race committee to cancel other races and security boats took care of carrying almost all of us back to the Club.
Now, evening party with good friends and beers
See you tomorrow for new fights

Euro 2016 first day of racing


Jonas Davidson of Sweden. Picture by Patrik Pollak @ International Raceboard Class

Very good 1st day here…good ambiance..I believe people are just happy realizing that…YES, IT IS HAPPENING AGAIN! Judges, ISAF / WS measurers, Top committee race and organization…. This is serious business..very serious business.

We waited until 3.00 pm they asked us to go on the water…Very hot day, blue sky, very light wind but thermic was coming. So we went on water …nice breeze. 8-12 knots…maybe a bit more upwind in some places.

As already explained, we missed 1st start (I didn’t but was very late) because race committee sent D2 first instead of third as they told us in the Skipper meeting in the morning. 1st Lesson learned (or reminder) : Always stay close to Race committee boart who can decide something different at last minute. Very choppy water but enough wind to move well except at the end of 2nd race. 2nd Lesson learned (or reminder): With only 3 type B sails, no point to make a division so we are diluted into type C Division We knew it but racing with 7.5 old sails vs 8.5 or 9.5 new sails doesn’t help in waves. If was really tough to maintain speed and get on the rails (not enough power most of the time) while watching friends taking off and quickly flying away. But it is what it is. We managed to complete and finish the races from behind.

Tomorrow is another day. Forecast are winds (10-12 knots, more ?) from the North/North East, overcast, with chances of rain by the end of afternoon, cooler..+/- 20 C

Will fight even more 🙂 !

Eric Bouillet

Pictures from day 1 racing (courtesy of International Raceboard Class)

And the results from the first 2 races :

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ID2CA temporary ranking

Just a few days before the Europeans in Brest.

Here is the temporary ID2CA 2016 ranking list after 3 official races (Vintage wind slam Slovenia,Blanes Spain,Diaporos regatta Greece).

Remaining 2 races to complete the circuit for 2016: European championships next week with a coefficient 2 and Oceanics in Brisbane in November with a coefficient 2 also .

After that the final list will be posted.

Happy sailing to you all!